

Changjun Lee is a computational social scientist in the field of economics, innovation studies, and media & communications. He is also an interdiciplinary scholar as he added Ph.D. in technology management, economics, and policy on the natural science (biology and chemistry), in which he was originally trained for his bachelor degree. He is a globally experienced researcher worked in National University of Singapore (2 yrs) and University College Dublin (2 yrs) as a postdoc researcher. His research area is not limited to one particular field but extends to any related social phenomena can be solved with computational methods. Main focus has been technology evolution & regional growth, knowledge management, technology & media innovation. Changjun is currently an associate professor responsible for the department of media & social informatics, and the institution of creativity & interaction in Hanyang University, South Korea.

Selected Publications

Regional knowledge spaces: the interplay of entry‑relatedness and entry‑potential for technological change and growth

Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland

OK Computer: the creation and integration of AI in Europe

Scientific Collaboration, Research Funding, and Novelty in Scientific Knowledge



Contact us

Dieter F. Kogler